To be certified for your degree, you need to apply for graduation. Graduation is not automatic. Your graduation application indicates to us that you are planning to complete your degree requirements by a particular quarter.
The Application for Graduation is available to complete on StudentAccess by selecting "Applications" -> "Graduation".
NOTE: If you are also completing a minor, it will show an "X" until the minor requirements are complete. You may still submit your graduation application.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, ideally, before the 7th week of the quarter prior to when you plan to finish (e.g. If you plan to finish in Spring, apply before the end of Week 7 in Winter).
- In order to participate in the Commencement Ceremony, you need to submit your graduation application to be eligible to reserve tickets in April.
The deadline to apply for graduation is the end of Week 10 of the quarter in which you plan to finish your requirements.
If you plan on completing your requirements by the end of the Summer but you currently do not have 120 units, you may apply immediately after your Winter grades have posted.
Graduation Application Status:
Pending: application is submitted and pending counselor review.
Received: counselor reviewed application and finds it feasible for you to complete your remaining degree requirements during your proposed quarter of graduation.
Certified: your final grades have posted and you have completed all degree requirements. Your application will be sent to the Registrar’s office for final certification.
If you have any questions about your graduation application, please email your certifying counselor:
A-F: Lisardy Velasco (
G-L: Josh Miller (
M-R: Yvonne Vo (
S-Z: Alejandra Garibay (
For more information on Commencement and tickets
Refer to the Commencement website. The site is updated regularly, so please check it frequently for new information.
Students graduating in Fall are eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony in the Fall or the following June.
Students graduating in Summer are eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony in June.
Graduating with Latin Honors
Congratulations on your achievements thus far! Zot zot zot!